Monday, July 8, 2013

Migrating to HTML 5 using ASP.NET 4.5

Let us say, you have previous aspx page that you copy and paste. You use HTML 5 in visual studio 2012. When you try to compile, it will give you a compile error.
Please change align="left" to style="text-align:left". Please change align="right" to style="text-align:right". Please change align="center" to style="text-align:center".

Migrating from EF 4 to EF 4.5

If you do have a previous class that uses entity framework in visual studio 2010. Then you need to create the same class using visual studio 2012. When you try to copy and paste into the new class. Then compile it, it will give you an error. In visual studio 2010 Addto<tablename> method and DeleteObject method no longer exist. Please use <tablename>.Add method and <tablename>.Remove method respectively. For insert, user add method and for delete, use remove method.